Thursday, July 23, 2009


1. Changing Time Frame Settings
To change the stock charts time settings move your mouse
over the chart and select "options" box, then select your
prefered intraday or historical time setting.

2. Zooming In or Out
To zoom in on a chart or zoom out you have to mouse over chart
to select "options" box then select the
number of "points" you wish to see plotted on the charts
display. So for instance a setting of 200 points shows
200 candles or bars on the chart display etc etc...

3.Removing Flat Intervals
If in a time frame setting you want to remove the flat
Intervals between trading days you need to activate the
control box by mouse over the chart and then select the
"RFI" check box. This removes flat intervals. If the flat
intervals do not disappear try closing the control box
and/or selecting a different number of points, this should
get the remove function working properly.

4.Selecting Indicators
To add an indicator to your chart activate the options box
by holding mouse over the chart, then click on the "osc" box, from
the menu that appears select your prefered indicator.
To change the indicator value you must change the
numbers in all 3 boxes to the right of the drop down menu.
There must be a value in each box!! So for instance you
wish to change an RSI setting to 14 you type 14 into the
first box on the left, then put a "0" in both the other two boxes.

de select the "osc" box by clicking on it - then click on it
again to re select it..the indicator should now be changed to
your prefered value.

5.Detaching and Resizing Chart
To detach the chart click the detach button that appears
when you mouse over the chart. To resize just click and
drag the edge of the chart. The chart will distort somewhat
when very large. Sorry there is nothing we can do. If you
cannot see the timescale axis when using a resized chart
try selecting an indicator - the time axis shoud now show up.